Ja Ja Mbo
Count: 64
Wall: 4
Level: Beginner / Intermediate
Choreographer: Kenny Teh (Mar '11)
Music: Unspeakable Joy by Feng Fei-fei
Sequence of dance: 64, tag, 32, tag, 64, tag, 32, tag, 64, tag, 32, tag, Ending
Start the dance on vocals:
Section A
1, 2, 3&4 Rock L fwd, Recover R, ¼ L turn left chasse LRL (9.00)
5, 6, 7&8 Rock R fwd, recover L, ½ R turn shuffle fwd LRL (3.00)
Section B
1, 2, 3&4 Step L fwd, pivot ½ R turn step on R, ½ R turn shuffle back LRL (3.00)
5, 6, 7&8 Rock R back, Recover L, ¼ R turn Right chasse RLR (12.00)
Section C
1, 2, 3, 4 Cross L over R, step R to R, cross L over R, step R to R
5, 6, 7&8 Cross L over R, touch R twice turning ¼ L turn, flick R back (9.00)
Section D
1, 2, 3&4 Cross R over L, touch L to L, cross L over R, touch R to R
5, 6, 7&8 Rock R fwd, Recover L, ¼ R turn Right chasse RLR (12.00)
Section E
1, 2, 3&4 ¼ R turn Rock L fwd, recover R, ½ L turn shuffle fwd LRL (9.00)
5, 6, 7&8 Rock R fwd, recover L, shuffle back RLR
Section F
1, 2, 3&4 Rock L back, recover R, ½ R turn shuffle back LRL (3.00)
5, 6, 7&8 Rock R back, recover L, ¼ L turn chasse RLR (12.00)
Section G
1, 2, 3, 4 Cross L over R, swing both arms out and over the head
5, 6, 7, 8 Cross R over L, swing both arms out and over the head
Section H
1, 2, 3&4 Rock L fwd, recover, back shuffle LRL
5, 6, 7&8 Rock R back, recover L, shuffle fwd RLR
1, 2, 3, 4 Cross L over R, (stretch out both arms sideways) hold for 3 counts
5, 6, 7, 8 Cross R over L facing L diagonal, (Punch R hand up in the air) hold for 3 counts
1, 2, 3, 4 ¼ R turn step back L, (place R hand at right side, bend at elbow) hold for 3 counts
5, 6, 7, 8 ¼ R turn step R to R, (stretch R hand up to R diagonal) hold for 3 counts
1,2,3,4,5 ½ L turn step R, shimmy for 4 counts
Ending: Complete Section A, At Section B dance until count 5 and hold, wait until the singer says “ ja ja ambo “
Then ¼ L turn sit on R facing L diagonal and shimmy…..
Contact: Email: kennyteho@yahoo.com - Website: http://www.kennyteho.spaces.live.com
Evergreen Tree
Count: 36
Wall: 4
Level: Beginner / Intermediate
Choreographer: Kenny Teh (March 2011)
Music: Evergreen Tree by Cliff Richard
Start dance on vocals after (32 counts)
1 2 3 4 Step L fwd, sweep R over L, cross R over L, step L back
5 6 7 8 ¼ R turn step R to R, sweep L over R, cross L over R, ¼ L turn step R back (12.00)
1 2 3 4 ¼ L turn step L fwd, hold, step R fwd, lock L behind R (9.00)
5 6 7 8 Step R fwd, hold, step L fwd, pivot ½ R turn step R fwd (3.00)
1 2 3 4 Step L to L, hold, step R, step L beside R
5 6 7 8 Step R, hold, step L, step R beside L
1 2 Step L to L, sweep R from front to back (get ready to make a full turn R),
3 4 ¼ R turn step R behind L, ¼ R turn step L
5 6 7 8 ½ R turn step R, hitch L, rock L fwd, recover R (3.00)
1 2 3 4 Sway LRLR
Tag: After the first wall:
1 2 3 4 Step L fwd, sweep R over L, cross R over L, step L back
5 6 7 8 ¼ R turn step R to R, hold, sway L, sway R
(After this tag you will start a new wall facing 6.00)
Happy New Year 2011
Count: 72
Wall: 1
Level: Beginner / Intermediate
Choreographer: Kenny Teh
Music: Huan Xi Guo Xin Nian by Xiao Feng Feng
Dance sequence:
1st wall 72 count
2nd wall 16 count
3rd wall 72 count
4th wall 40 count
5th wall 72 count
6th wall 20 count
Start dance 48 counts from start of song.
Section A
1 2 3 4 Rock L fwd, Recover R, touch L, step back L
5 6 7 8 Rock R back, recover L, touch R, step R fwd
Section B
1 2 3&4 Step L fwd, pivot ½ turn R, shuffle fwd LRL (6.00)
5 6 7&8 Step R fwd, pivot ½ turn L, shuffle fwd RLR (12.00)
Section C
1 2 3 4 Step L fwd, ¼ turn R recover R, Step L fwd, ¼ turn R recover R
5 6 7 8 Step L fwd, ¼ turn R recover R, Step L fwd, ¼ turn R recover R (12.00)
Section D
1 2 3&4 Cross L over R, recover R, ¼ L turn shuffle fwd LRL (9.00)
5 6 7&8 Rock R fwd, pivot ½ turn L step L fwd, ½ turn L shuffle back RLR (9.00)
Section E
1 2 3&4 ½ turn L step L fwd, recover R, back shuffle LRL (3.00)
5 6 7&8 Rock R back, recover L, ¼ turn L shuffle fwd RLR (12.00)
Section F
1 2 3 4 Step L, touch R beside, step R, touch L beside
5 6 7 8 Step L, hitch R making ¼ turn R, shuffle fwd RLR (3.00)
Section G
1 - 8 Repeat above steps (6.00)
Section H
1&2 3&4 Step L, bump R hip up then down, ¼ turn L step R, bump L hip up then down (3.00)
5&6 7&8 ¼ turn L Step L, bump R hip up then down, Step R, bump L hip up then down (12.00)
Section I
1 2 3&4 Cross L over R, touch R to R, cross R over L, touch L to L
5 6 7&8 Rock L fwd, recover R a big step back dragging L , bump RLR
Contact: Email: kennyteho@yahoo.com - Website: http://www.kennyteho.spaces.live.com
Description: Phrased 4 Wall, Beginner/Intermediate line dance
Music: 恭喜恭喜恭喜你
Sung by 黄治棋/家兴/奕卉
Dance Sequence: Tag, A, B, A, B, Tag, A, B, A, B, Ending
Start dance 2 sec from start of music after the scream,
1 2 3 4 Rock R back, recover L, Rock R back, recover L
5 6 7&8 ¼ R turn step R fwd, ¼ R turn step L fwd, run RLR making ½ R turn (12.00)
1 -- 8 Mirror above steps ( 12.00)
Section A
1&2 Rock R diagonally for two counts, recover L, ( Hands styling Hit drum with R, L, R hands )
3&4 Rock R diagonally for two counts, recover L ( Hands styling Hit drum with R, L, R, hands )
5 6 7&8 Both hands crossed, both hands out, hit crossed hands 3 times
1&2 Step R diagonally fwd, step L together, step R diagonally fwd
3&4 Step L diagonally fwd, step R together, step L diagonally fwd
5&6& Step R diagonally back, touch L, Step L diagonally back, touch R
7&8 Run R back, run L back, step R together
1&2 Bounce both heel 3 times while turning body towards R diagonal and pushing the butt up
3&4 Bounce both heel 3 times while turning body towards L diagonal and pushing the butt up
5&6& Step L, hitch R, step R, hitch L
7&8 Shuffle fwd LRL
1 2 3 4 Walk RLRL ( Making a full turn R ) (12.00)
Section B
1 2 3&4 ¼ R turn step R fwd, ½ L turn step L fwd, ½ R turn shuffle RLR (3.00)
5 6 7&8 ½ L turn step L fwd, ½ R turn step R fwd, ½ L turn shuffle LRL (9.00)
1 2 3 4 Sweep R over L, sweep R back, sweep L back, sweep L fwd
5&6 7&8 Shuffle fwd RLR, ½ R turn shuffle back LRL (3.00)
1&2 Kick R, ¼ R turn kick R, step R beside L (6.00)
3&4 Kick L, ¼ L turn kick L, step L beside R (3.00)
5 6 7&8 Step R, step L together, step R, step L together, step R
1 - 8 Mirror above 8 count / steps (3.00)
1 2 3 4 Cross R over L, ¼ R turn step L back, ¼ R turn step R fwd, step L fwd (9.00)
1&2& Step R, together, step R, touch
3&4& Step L, together, step L, touch
5&6& Step R out to R diagonal, hold, step L out to L diagonal, hold
7&8& Right coastal step, hold
( Hand styling for the whole dance: please check video )
Choreographed by Kenny Teh
Email: kennyteho@yahoo.com
Description: 1 Wall, Intermediate line dance
Website: http://www.kennyteho.wordpress.com
Music: Ban Ban Tan
Dance starts after the first 16 count
Section A
1 - 4 Step fwd R at 45 deg R, Slide L next to R, Step fwd R at 45 deg R, touch L and clap
5 - 8 Step fwd L at 45 deg L, Slide R next to L, Step fwd L at 45 deg L, touch R and clap
Section B
Repeat above steps (Repeat Section A)
Section C
1 -- 4 Step R back diagonally, step L beside R, Step R back diagonally, clap
5 -- 8 Step L back diagonally, step R beside L, Step L back diagonally, clap
Section D
Repeat above steps (Repeat Section B)
Section E
1 2&3 4&5 Facing R diagonal touch R toe in front, clap twice for 2&, hold for 3, clap twice for 4&, hold for 5,
6&7 8 clap twice for 6&, hold for 7, clap for 8
Section F
1 -- 4 Twist both heels R, twist both toes R, twist both heels R, hitch L over R
5 -- 8 Twist both toes L, twist both heels L, twist both toes L, hitch R behind L
Section G
Repeat above steps (Repeat Section F)
Section H
1 -- 4 Swing R hand from R to L
5 -- 8 Swing L hand from L to R
Section I
Repeat Section H ( But now at count 8 turn make ¼ R. 3.00 )
REPEAT Section F, G, H, I ( Now facing 6.00 )
Tag 1 -- 2 Bend both knees and open both hands, straighten both knees and close both hands
3 - 4 Bend both knees and open both hands, straighten both knees and close both hands
Section J
1 -- 4 Kick L over R, kick L to L, ¼ L turn place both feet together, bend both knees
5 -- 6 Push both hands out together while pushing the butt back, bring both hands near body while bending both knees
7 -- 8 Repeat 5 - 6
Section K Mirror above steps (Mirror Section J)
Section L
1 -- 4 Step R, step l together, step R, clap
5 -- 8 Step L, step R together, step L, clap
Section M
1 -- 4 Full right Rolling vine
5 -- 8 ¾ L rolling vine ( 9.00)
REPEAT Section J, K, L, M ( Now facing 12.00 )
Tag Do the tag.
Section N
1 -- 4 Push R palm out facing R diagonal twice, bring R palm to chess, hold
5 -- 8 Push R palm out facing forward twice, bring R palm to chess, hold
Section O
1 -- 4 Place both palms together and make two small circles
5 -- 8 Open up both hands and out over the head and down to the sides
Repeat the above sequence from the beginning Section A to O one more time
Section 1
1 -- 4 Leaning on the L push R index finger out (L hand on L waist)
5 -- 8 Sway R palm RLRL palm facing forward
Section 2
1 -- 4 Leaning on R bring L index finger from front towards face ( R hand on R waist)
5 -- 8 Sway L palm LRLR palm facing face
Section 3
1 -- 2 L hand bent at elbow, R hand punch to L diagonal, bring R hand back near body
3 -- 4 L hand bent at elbow, R hand punch to L diagonal, bring R hand back near body
5 -- 8 R rolling vine with a clap
Section 4
1 -- 8 Facing up both elbow bent index fingers facing back bring both hands up then towards the front and finally down to the sides
REPEAT Section 1, 2, 3, 4
Tag Do the tag
Repeat Section N, O
Repeat Section N, O
Repeat Section A, B, C, D E
Repeat Section E (but this time facing L diagonal )
Finally the last 7 counts:
1 Facing front bring up both hands bent at elbow, index fingers pointing up
2 Drop both hands still bent at elbow index fingers facing down
3-5 Bent body down like a robot using 4 beats while maintaining hand position of count 2
678 Bring up the body using 3 beats while maintaining hand position of count 2
Sung by 黄治棋/家兴/奕卉
Dance Sequence: Tag, A, B, A, B, Tag, A, B, A, B, Ending
Start dance 2 sec from start of music after the scream,
1 2 3 4 Rock R back, recover L, Rock R back, recover L
5 6 7&8 ¼ R turn step R fwd, ¼ R turn step L fwd, run RLR making ½ R turn (12.00)
1 -- 8 Mirror above steps ( 12.00)
Section A
1&2 Rock R diagonally for two counts, recover L, ( Hands styling Hit drum with R, L, R hands )
3&4 Rock R diagonally for two counts, recover L ( Hands styling Hit drum with R, L, R, hands )
5 6 7&8 Both hands crossed, both hands out, hit crossed hands 3 times
1&2 Step R diagonally fwd, step L together, step R diagonally fwd
3&4 Step L diagonally fwd, step R together, step L diagonally fwd
5&6& Step R diagonally back, touch L, Step L diagonally back, touch R
7&8 Run R back, run L back, step R together
1&2 Bounce both heel 3 times while turning body towards R diagonal and pushing the butt up
3&4 Bounce both heel 3 times while turning body towards L diagonal and pushing the butt up
5&6& Step L, hitch R, step R, hitch L
7&8 Shuffle fwd LRL
1 2 3 4 Walk RLRL ( Making a full turn R ) (12.00)
Section B
1 2 3&4 ¼ R turn step R fwd, ½ L turn step L fwd, ½ R turn shuffle RLR (3.00)
5 6 7&8 ½ L turn step L fwd, ½ R turn step R fwd, ½ L turn shuffle LRL (9.00)
1 2 3 4 Sweep R over L, sweep R back, sweep L back, sweep L fwd
5&6 7&8 Shuffle fwd RLR, ½ R turn shuffle back LRL (3.00)
1&2 Kick R, ¼ R turn kick R, step R beside L (6.00)
3&4 Kick L, ¼ L turn kick L, step L beside R (3.00)
5 6 7&8 Step R, step L together, step R, step L together, step R
1 - 8 Mirror above 8 count / steps (3.00)
1 2 3 4 Cross R over L, ¼ R turn step L back, ¼ R turn step R fwd, step L fwd (9.00)
1&2& Step R, together, step R, touch
3&4& Step L, together, step L, touch
5&6& Step R out to R diagonal, hold, step L out to L diagonal, hold
7&8& Right coastal step, hold
( Hand styling for the whole dance: please check video )
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (Dec 10) |
Music: | Lai Ge Tong by The Fong Sisters |
Descriptions: | PH count - 1 wall - Intermediate level line dance |
Dance starts after the first 8 count (music): | |
Intro: | |
1&2&3&4 | Touch L over R, step on L, touch R over L, step on R, touch L over R, step on L, touch R over L, |
5-8 | Unwind full L turn ending with weight on L |
1–8 | Mirror the above steps |
Section A | |
1&2& | Step L fwd, touch R behind bending both knees, step R back, touch L beside R bending both knees |
3&4 | Step L fwd, step R beside, step L fwd (bending both knees you do 3&4) |
5&6&7&8 | ¼ R turn Step R fwd, ¼ R turn step L fwd, ¼ R turn Step R fwd, step L beside, step R fwd (9.00) |
Section B | |
1&2&3&4 | Cross L over R, step R to R, Cross L over R, step R to R, Cross L over R, push R hip up, then down |
5&6,7&8 | Cross R over L, step L beside R, touch R to R, Cross R over L, step L beside R, touch R to R |
Section C | |
1-2,3&4 | ¼ R turn step R fwd, ½ R turn step L back, step R back, lift R heel hitch L, down R heel (6.00) |
5-6,7&8 | Step L fwd, ½ L turn step R back, step L back, lift L heel hitch R, down L heel (12.00) |
Section D | |
1-2,3&4 | ¼ R turn step R fwd, ½ L turn step L fwd, ½ R turn step R fwd, step L beside, step R fwd (3.00) |
5-6,7&8 | ½ L turn step L fwd, ½ R turn step R fwd, ½ L turn step L fwd, step R beside, step L fwd (9.00) |
Section E | |
1&2&3&4 | ¼ R turn cross R over L, step L, cross R over L, step L, cross R over L, push L hip up, then down (12.00) |
5&6&7&8 | Cross L over R, step R, cross L over R, step R, cross L over R, push R hip up, then down |
Section F | |
1&2&3&4 | Cross R over L, step L, touch R to R diagonal, step R, cross L over R, step R, touch L to L diagonal |
&5&6&7&8 | Step L, Cross R over L, step L, touch R to R diagonal, step R, cross L over R, step R, touch L to L diagonal |
TAG 1: | |
1-2,3&4 | Sway L, sway R, sway L, push R hip up, then down |
5-6,7&8 | Sway R, sway L, sway R, push L hip up, then down |
1-4 | Walk a full R circle L R L R |
TAG 2: | |
Section A | |
1-2,3&5 | Sway L, sway R, sway L, push R hip up, then down |
5-6,7&8 | Sway R, sway L, sway R, push L hip up, then down |
Section B | |
1&2&3&4 | Cross L over R bending L knee, straighten L knee, bending L knee, straighten L knee, bending L knee, straighten L knee, bending L knee |
5&6&7&8 | Cross R over L bending R knee, straighten R knee, bending R knee, straighten R knee, bending R knee, straighten R knee, bending R knee |
Section C | |
1&2,3&4 | Step L fwd, bump R hip up, then down, step R back, bump L hip up, then down |
5&6,7&8 | Repeat above 4 counts |
Section D | |
1–8 | Walk LRLRLRLR (making a full L circle with bouncing steps) |
For ENDING dance TAG 2 up to here: then | |
1-2&3&4 | Big step L, bump hip R&R&R |
5 | Bend both knees into squatting position, with “praying hands” |
Section E | |
1&2 | Step L to L bending both knees, push R hip up, then down |
3&4 | Step R to R bending both knees, push L hip up, then down |
Section F (Same as Section A) | |
1-2,3&5 | Sway L, sway R, sway L, push R hip up, then down |
5-6,7&8 | Sway R, sway L, sway R, push L hip up, then down |
Section G | |
1&2&3&4 | Step L fwd, step R behind, Step L fwd, step R behind, Step L fwd, step R behind, Step L fwd (making ¾ L turn) 3.00 |
5&5&7&8 | Step R fwd, step L behind, Step R fwd, step L behind, Step R fwd, step L behind, Step R fwd (making ¾ R turn) 12.00 |
Section H | |
1–8 | Repeat above 8 counts |
Note: This dance has a lot of SOFT bouncing steps |
Choreographed by Kenny Teh
Email: kennyteho@yahoo.com
Description: 1 Wall, Intermediate line dance
Website: http://www.kennyteho.wordpress.com
Music: Ban Ban Tan
Dance starts after the first 16 count
Section A
1 - 4 Step fwd R at 45 deg R, Slide L next to R, Step fwd R at 45 deg R, touch L and clap
5 - 8 Step fwd L at 45 deg L, Slide R next to L, Step fwd L at 45 deg L, touch R and clap
Section B
Repeat above steps (Repeat Section A)
Section C
1 -- 4 Step R back diagonally, step L beside R, Step R back diagonally, clap
5 -- 8 Step L back diagonally, step R beside L, Step L back diagonally, clap
Section D
Repeat above steps (Repeat Section B)
Section E
1 2&3 4&5 Facing R diagonal touch R toe in front, clap twice for 2&, hold for 3, clap twice for 4&, hold for 5,
6&7 8 clap twice for 6&, hold for 7, clap for 8
Section F
1 -- 4 Twist both heels R, twist both toes R, twist both heels R, hitch L over R
5 -- 8 Twist both toes L, twist both heels L, twist both toes L, hitch R behind L
Section G
Repeat above steps (Repeat Section F)
Section H
1 -- 4 Swing R hand from R to L
5 -- 8 Swing L hand from L to R
Section I
Repeat Section H ( But now at count 8 turn make ¼ R. 3.00 )
REPEAT Section F, G, H, I ( Now facing 6.00 )
Tag 1 -- 2 Bend both knees and open both hands, straighten both knees and close both hands
3 - 4 Bend both knees and open both hands, straighten both knees and close both hands
Section J
1 -- 4 Kick L over R, kick L to L, ¼ L turn place both feet together, bend both knees
5 -- 6 Push both hands out together while pushing the butt back, bring both hands near body while bending both knees
7 -- 8 Repeat 5 - 6
Section K Mirror above steps (Mirror Section J)
Section L
1 -- 4 Step R, step l together, step R, clap
5 -- 8 Step L, step R together, step L, clap
Section M
1 -- 4 Full right Rolling vine
5 -- 8 ¾ L rolling vine ( 9.00)
REPEAT Section J, K, L, M ( Now facing 12.00 )
Tag Do the tag.
Section N
1 -- 4 Push R palm out facing R diagonal twice, bring R palm to chess, hold
5 -- 8 Push R palm out facing forward twice, bring R palm to chess, hold
Section O
1 -- 4 Place both palms together and make two small circles
5 -- 8 Open up both hands and out over the head and down to the sides
Repeat the above sequence from the beginning Section A to O one more time
Section 1
1 -- 4 Leaning on the L push R index finger out (L hand on L waist)
5 -- 8 Sway R palm RLRL palm facing forward
Section 2
1 -- 4 Leaning on R bring L index finger from front towards face ( R hand on R waist)
5 -- 8 Sway L palm LRLR palm facing face
Section 3
1 -- 2 L hand bent at elbow, R hand punch to L diagonal, bring R hand back near body
3 -- 4 L hand bent at elbow, R hand punch to L diagonal, bring R hand back near body
5 -- 8 R rolling vine with a clap
Section 4
1 -- 8 Facing up both elbow bent index fingers facing back bring both hands up then towards the front and finally down to the sides
REPEAT Section 1, 2, 3, 4
Tag Do the tag
Repeat Section N, O
Repeat Section N, O
Repeat Section A, B, C, D E
Repeat Section E (but this time facing L diagonal )
Finally the last 7 counts:
1 Facing front bring up both hands bent at elbow, index fingers pointing up
2 Drop both hands still bent at elbow index fingers facing down
3-5 Bent body down like a robot using 4 beats while maintaining hand position of count 2
678 Bring up the body using 3 beats while maintaining hand position of count 2
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (Nov 10) |
Music: | Bauk Wah Yah Nah Ruk by Bird Thongchai McIntyre |
Descriptions: | PH count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance |
Start - After the 16 count music | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dance sequence: Intro, A, A, B, A, A, B, A, A, B, A, Ending | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Intro: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-4 | Walk forward on R L R L | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5-8 | Bump R L R L | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-4 | Walk backwards on R L R L | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5-8 | Bump R L R L | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-4 | Step R to R Side, Step Left beside R, Step R and touch L beside R | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5-8 | Step L to L Side, Step R beside L, Step L and touch R beside L | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-4 | Right rolling vine | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5-8 | Left rolling vine | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Section A | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1&2,34 | Chasse RLR, step L over R, step R to R | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5-8 | Step L behind R, step R to R, step L over R, touch R beside | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1&2,3&4 | Back Shuffle RLR, ¼ turn L chasse LRL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5-8 | Rock R fwd, recover L, rock R back, recover L | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-4 | Kick R over L, kick R to R diagonal, ¼ turn R step R together bending both knees, straighten knees pushing butt back | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5-8 | Mirror above | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-4 | R toe strut, L toe strut | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5-8 | Walk fwd RLRL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Options: | skate RLRL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Section B | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-4 | Step R, step L together, step R, touch L | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5-8 | Step L, step R together, step L, touch R | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-4 | Step R fwd, ½ turn R step L back, step R back, kick L fwd | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5-8 | Step L fwd, ½ turn L step R back, step L back, kick R fwd | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-4 | Step R and bump R twice, step down on L, hold | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5-8 | Repeat above | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-4 | ¼ turn R step R fwd, ½ turn R step L back, step R together, hold | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5-8 | Hop back 3 times, hold | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ENDING: Do the first 16 counts of section A, then… | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1–4 | Step R fwd, 1/8 L turn step onto L, step R fwd, 1/8 L turn step onto L, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5–8 | Walk fwd RLRL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Bend both knees in a “squatting” position.
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (Oct 10) |
Music: | Angel by Elvis Presley |
Descriptions: | 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance |
Start dance after 16 counts | |
Section A | |
1–4 | Step L fwd, ¼ turn L sweep R back to front, cross R over L, ¼ turn R step L back (12.00) |
5–8 | ½ turn R step R fwd, sweep L back to front, cross L over R, step R to R (6.00) |
Section B | |
1–4 | Step L behind R, hold, recover R, step L to L |
5–8 | Step R behind L, sweep L from front to back, step L behind, sweep R front to back and step behind L |
Section C | |
1–4 | Sweep L front to back and step behind R, hitch/touch R and look over Left shoulder, step R fwd, step L together, |
5–8 | Step R fwd, make ½ turn R on ball of R sweeping L back to front, rock L fwd, recover R (12.00) |
Section D | |
1–4 | Big step L, drag R to L, step R to R, step L together |
5–8 | Big Step R, touch L beside R, ½ turn L step L fwd, ¼ turn L step R fwd (3.00) |
Restart | |
ENDING: You will end facing the 3 o’clock after Section B. Then for the last beat, just make ¼ turn L and step L |
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (Sept 10) |
Music: | Sad Movies by Boney M |
Descriptions: | 64 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance |
Start dance on vocals. (40 counts after the strong beat : 28 sec after start of music) | |
This dance is dedicated to Alice Lim of KL who as she puts it “ I really like this song.....hmmm sob sob.....sad movies make me cry “ | |
RESTART at 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th Wall: dance until 40 counts and restart the dance. | |
1&2,3&4 | Cross L over R, Step R to R, recover L, Cross R over L, step L to L, recover R |
5-8 | Rock L fwd, recover R, ½ turn L shuffle fwd LRL (6.00) |
1&2,3&4 | Cross RL over L, Step L to L, recover R, Cross L over R, step R to R, recover L |
5-8 | Rock R fwd, recover L, 1/4 turn R side shuffle RLR (9.00) |
1-4 | Cross L over R, step R to R, cross L behind R, ¼ turn R step R fwd |
56,7&8 | Step L fwd, ¾ turn R step on R, chasse LRL (9.00) |
1&2,3&4 | Right Sailor step, L sailor with ¼ turn L |
56,7&8 | Rock R fwd, ½ turn L hitch L, shuffle fwd LRL (12.00) |
1-4 | Step R, flick L behind R, step L, flick R behind L |
5-8 | Touch R toe behind L, bounce both heel 3 time making ½ turn R ending with weight on R (6.00) |
This is the RESTART point…,/FONT> | |
12,3&4 | Rock L fwd, recover R, coastal step |
56,7&8 | Rock R fwd, recover L, ½ turn R shuffle fwd RLR (12.00) |
1&2,3&4 | L kick ball change, ¼ turn R L kick ball change (3.00) |
56&78 | Touch L toe fwd, hold, step L beside R, touch R toe fwd, hitch R across L |
1&2,34 | Shuffle fwd RLR, step L fwd, pivot ½ turn R (9.00) |
5-8 | Cross L over R, cross R over L, Cross L over R, cross R over L |
Option | 5-8: skate or bogie walk |
Repeat |
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia & Sebastiaan Holtland, NL (Sept 10) |
Music: | Bora Bora by Gusanito |
Descriptions: | 64 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance |
32 Count intro (15 Sec) | |
1-8 | Cross & Cross, Lift, Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Cross |
1-2 | Cross Rf over Lf, step Lf slightly to the left side (12:00) |
3-4 | Cross Rf over Lf, and lift L knee up (12) |
5-6 | Cross Lf over Rf, step Rf to the right side |
7&8 | Cross Lf behind Rf, step Rf to the right side, and cross Lf over Rf weight onto Lf (12:00) |
9-16 | Point Fwd, Hold, Replace, 1/4 Turn L, Point Fwd, Hold, Replace, 2x 1/4 Paddle Turn R |
1-2 | Point forward on Rf, HOLD |
&3-4 | Making a 1/4 turn left (9) and step Rf back in place, point Lf forward, HOLD |
&5-6 | Step Lf back in place, step forward on Rf, making a 1/4 turn to left (6) take weight onto Lf |
7-8 | Step Lf back in place, step forward on Rf, making a 1/4 turn to left (3) take weight onto Lf |
17-24 | Rock Fwd / Recover (pushing hips back), Behind, 1/4 Turn L, Coaster step R Rock Fwd / Recover (pushing hips back), Behind, Side, Cross |
1-2 | Rock forward on Rf, Recover on Lf (pushing hips back) (3:00) |
3&4 | Making a 1/4 turn to left (12) step back on Rf, step Lf next to Rf, step forward on Rf (coaster) |
5-6 | Rock forward on Lf, recover on Rf (pushing hips back) |
7&8 | Step Lf behind Rf, step Rf to the right side, cross Lf over Rf weight onto Rf (12:00) |
25-32 | Rock Fwd / Recover, 1/4 Turn L, Jump Both Apart, Together, Syncopated Side Rock / Recover L-R |
1-2 | Rock forward on Rf, recover on Lf (12:00) |
&3-4 | Making a 1/4 turn to right (3) and jump both feet apart weight onto both feet, HOLD |
&5-6 | Step Rf beside Lf, rock Lf to the left side, recover on Rf |
&7-8 | Step Lf beside Rf, rock Rf to the right side, recover on Lf weight onto Lf |
33-40 | ¼ Turn R Step Back, Point, Step Back, Point, ¼ Turn R, Step Fwd, ¼ Turn R, Point ¼ Turn R, Point, ¼ Turn R, Point |
1-2 | Making a 1/4 turn to right (6) step Rf back, point Lf diagonally left, |
3-4 | step Lf back, point Rf diagonally right, |
5-6 | Making a ¼ turn to right (9) step Rf forward, making a ¼ turn to right touch Lf to left (12:00) |
7-8 | Making a ¼ turn to right touch Lf to left (3), making a ¼ turn to right touch Lf to left (6:00) |
41-48 | L Samba, R samba, Rock Fwd / Recover, ½ Turn L shuffle |
1&2 | Cross Lf over right, step Rf to right, recover on Lf |
3&4 | Cross Rf over left, step Lf to left, recover on Rf |
5-6 | Rock Lf forward, recover on Rf |
7&8 | Making a ½ turn to left shuffle forward (12:00) |
49-56 | Point, Point, Point, Step, Point, Step Back, Point, Step Back |
1-2 | Point Rf over left, point Rf to right, |
3-4 | Point Rf over right, step Rf to right, |
5-6 | Point Lf over right, step Lf diagonally back, |
7-8 | Point Rf over right, step Rf diagonally back, |
57-64 | Step, Lock, Step, Lock, Step, Lock, Step (½ Turn L Arch), Step, Touch, Step, Touch |
1&2 | Step Lf forward, lock Rf behind, step Lf forward |
&3&4 | Lock Rf behind, step Lf forward, lock Rf behind, step Lf forward (6:00) |
(Making a ½ Turn arch to the left with the above steps) | |
5-6 | Step Rf to right, touch Lf beside Rf |
7-8 | Step Lf to left, touch Rf beside Lf |
Start The Dance Again! |
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (Aug 10) |
Music: | 叮咛 by 谢采云 |
Descriptions: | 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance |
Start dance on vocals after (32 counts) | |
1-4 | Step R back, hold, step L fwd, step R fwd |
5-8 | ¼ R turn step L fwd, on ball of L make a ½ L turn, step R back, step L back (9.00) |
1-4 | Step R back, hold, step L fwd, on ball of L make a ¼ L turn sweep R back to front (6.00) |
5-8 | Step R fwd making ½ R turn, step L back making ½ R turn, step R fwd, step L fwd making ½ R turn on ball of L (12.00) |
1-4 | Step R fwd, sweep L back to front, step L over R, step R to R, |
5-8 | Step L behind R, sweep R front to back, step R behind L, ¼ L turn step L fwd (9.00) |
1-4 | Step R fwd, on ball of R make a ½ L turn, step L fwd, on ball on L make a ½ R turn |
5-8 | Step R fwd, ½ R turn step L back, ½ R turn step R fwd, step L fwd (9.00) |
Repeat |
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (July 10) |
Music: | 庭园深深 by |
Descriptions: | 24 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance |
1-3 | Step L fwd, ¼ L turn step R back, step L back (9.00) |
4,5&6 | Step R back, shuffle ¾ L turn LRL (12.00) |
1-3 | ¼ R turn a big R step fwd for 3 counts, leaning fwd bending R knee and stretching L leg (3.00) |
4-6 | Recover L, step back R, ¼ L turn step L to L (12.00) |
1,2&3 | Cross R over L, ¼ R turn shuffle back (3.00) |
4-6 | ¼ R turn step R to R sway RLR (6.00) |
1-3 | Cross L over R, step R together, step L together |
4-6 | Cross R over L, ¼ R turn step back L, ½ R turn step R fwd (3.00) |
Repeat |
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (July 10) |
Music: | Ye Shang Hai & Man Chang Fei (remix) by Xie Cai Yun |
Descriptions: | 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance |
Start dance after 40 counts from start of music (17 sec) | |
1-4 | Cross R over L bending both knees, step L to L, cross R over L bending both knees, touch L to L |
5-8 | Mirror above 4 steps |
1-4 | ¼ R turn step R back, ¼ R turn step L beside R, ¼ R turn step R fwd, scuff L (9.00) |
(You can do a ¾ R sailor turn, then scuff R) | |
5-8 | Step L fwd, lock R behind L, step L fwd, scuff R |
1-4 | Step R fwd, pivot ½ L turn, step R fwd, hold (3.00) |
5-8 | Step L fwd, pivot ½ R turn, step L fwd, hold (9.00) |
1-4 | Step R fwd turning ½ L on ball of R, Hitch L, shuffle fwd LRL (3.00) |
5-8 | Jump both feet R, Jump both feet L, Jump both feet back, Hold |
Repeat | |
RESTARTS: Wall 3,4,7,8 dance until 24 steps and restart… | |
Last wall last section count 7, jump ½ turn R will bring you back to the front wall foe a nice finish… |
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (July 10) |
Music: | Buttons & Bows by LeCafe De I'Amour |
Descriptions: | 48 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance |
Start dance on vocals (16 counts after the hard beat begins:…… ) | |
Section A | |
1&2,3&4 | Shuffle RLR diagonally R, Shuffle LRL diagonally L |
5-8 | Skate RLRL / or Boggie walk |
Section B | |
1-4 | R toe strut, L toe strut |
5-8 | ¼ R turn step back R, recover L, ½ L turn shuffle back RLR (3.00) |
Section C | |
1-4 | Touch L toe beside R, touch L heel beside R, cross L over R, hold |
5-8 | Touch R toe beside L, touch R heel beside L, cross R over L, hold (3.00) |
Section D | |
1-4 | Step L, hold, cross R over L, hold |
5-6,7&8 | Step L to L, cross R over L, step L to L, kick R |
Section E | |
1-4 | Step R back, kick L, step L back, kick R |
5-8 | Step back RLRL |
Section F | |
1-4 | Step R to R, step L to L, step R back to centre, step L back to centre |
5-8 | Repeat above |
RESTARTS: 3rd and 6th Wall dance up to 32 counts and restart | |
TAG: 4th wall and 8th wall add 8 steps | |
1-4 | R to strut, L toe strut |
5-8 | R to strut, L toe strut |
Repeat | |
ENDING: END of the 8th Wall AFTER the Tag: ADD the following steps | |
1-4 | Step R, touch L beside R, Step L, touch R beside L |
1–8 | ¼ R turn, shuffle fwd RLR, hold, ½ L turn shuffle fwd LRL, hold |
Do the above 8 counts three more times (32 counts in all) | |
1-4 | Sweep R fwd, hold, sweep R back, hold |
5-8 | Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd, hold |
1-4 | Sweep R fwd, hold, sweep R back, hold |
5-8 | Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd, hold |
1-4 | Kick R over L, kick R diagonally R, kick R over L, kick R diagonally R, |
5-8 | Step R behind L, step L to L, cross R over L, hold |
1-8 | Mirror above steps |
1-4 | Sweep R fwd, hold, sweep R back, hold |
5-8 | Sweep L back, hold, sweep L fwd, hold |
1 | Kick / touch R fwd and pose…………… |
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (June 10) |
Music: | El Pibe De Mi Barrio by Dr Krapula |
Descriptions: | PH count - Intermediate level line dance |
Start dance on vocals. ( 32 counts after hard beat begins ) | |
Sequence: A, Tag, B, A, A, Tag, B, A, B, Tag, B, B, A | |
Section A=32 counts | |
¼ Turn Paddle X3, Shuffle | |
1-2 | Step left fwd, ¼ turn right recover right |
3-4 | Step left fwd, ¼ turn right recover right |
5-6 | Step left fwd, ¼ turn right recover right |
7&8 | Shuffle fwd LRL (9.00) |
1-8 | Mirror above eight steps (12.00) |
Step Touch Diagonally X4, Jump, Touch, Hold, ½ Turn Fwd, Touch, Hold | |
1&2&3&4 | Touch L across R, step back L, touch R across L, step back R, Touch L across R, step back L, touch R across L, |
&56&78 | Jump to the R, touch L beside R, hold, ½ turn left jump fwd, touch R beside L, hold (6.00) |
Side, Together, Side Kick, Side, Kick, Side, Kick | |
1-4 | Step R, step L together, step R, kick L |
5-8 | ¼ L turn Step L, kick R, ¼ L turn step R, kick L (12.00) |
Section B=32 counts | |
Rock, Recover, Tripple X2 | |
12,3&4 | Rock L, recover R, triple steps on the spot |
56,7&8 | Rock R, recover L, triple steps on the spot |
Out, Out, Centre, Center, Out Back, Out Back, Centre, Centre | |
1-4 | Step L out to L diagonal, step R out to R diagonal, step L back to centre, step R back to centre |
5-8 | Step L back to L diagonal, step R back to R diagonal, step L fwd to centre, step R fwd to centre |
¼ Left Turn Shuffle, 1/2 Right Turn Shuffle, X2 | |
1&2,3&4 | ¼ turn left shuffle fwd LRL, ½ turn right shuffle fwd RLR |
5&6,7&8 | ¼ turn left shuffle fwd LRL, ½ turn right shuffle fwd RLR (6.00) |
Bump Hips Left And Right, ¼ Turn Bump Hips Left And Right | |
1&2,3&4 | Bump and bump hip L, Bump and bump hip R |
5&6,7&8 | ¼ L turn Bump and bump hip L, ¼ L turn Bump and bump hip R (12.00) |
Optional: | for the last eight counts of Section B |
Turning Heel And Toe Syncopation | |
1&2 | Touch L heel fwd, step L foot next to R foot, touch R toe back |
&3&4 | Make a ¼ turn left stepping R foot next to L foot, touch L toe back, step L foot next to R foot, touch R heel fwd |
&5&6 | Step R foot next to L foot, touch L heel fwd, step L foot next to R foot, touch R toe back |
&7&8& | Make a ¼ turn left stepping R foot next to L foot, touch L toe back, step L foot next to R foot, touch R heel fwd, step down on R |
Repeat | |
4 count TAG (At END of 1st, 4th and 7th Wall) | |
12,3&4 | Stomp L, stomp R, stomp both heels 3 times (and get ready to start the next step with the L foot) |
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (May 10) |
Music: | 十八的姑娘一朵花 by |
Descriptions: | 64 count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance |
Start dance on vocals. (32 counts after the music begins) | |
RESTART: at 2nd Wall: dance until 48 counts and restart the dance. | |
12,3&4 | Step R, step L together, shuffle RLR turning ¼ right turn (3.00) |
5-8 | Step L fwd, ¼ R turn step R, cross chasse LRL (6.00) |
1-4 | Rock R, recover L, ¼ R turn coastal step (9.00) |
56,7&8 | Rock L fwd, pivot ½ R turn stepping R fwd, ½ R turn shuffle back LRL (9.00) |
1-4 | Step R, cross L over R, Step R, cross L over R |
56,7&8 | Step R, ¼ L turn hitch L, shuffle fwd LRL (6.00) |
12,3&4 | Rock R fwd, recover L, coastal step |
5-8 | Walk fwd LRLR |
Option: | (Cross L over R, cross R over L, Cross L over R, cross R over L) |
1-4 | Step L, hold, step R together, hold |
5-8 | Step L, step R together, step L, on ball of left make ½ R turn hitching R (12.00) |
12&34 | Touch R fwd, hold, step R beside L, touch L fwd, hold |
&5&6&7 | Step L beside R, touch R fwd, step R beside L, touch L fwd, Step L beside R, touch R fwd |
8 | Hitch R |
(&5&6&7 You should be moving backwards…. ) | |
1-4 | Rock R, recover L, rock R behind L, recover L |
5-8 | Rock R, recover L, make a ¾ R turn shuffle fwd RLR (9.00) |
1-4 | Cross L over R, step back R, step L to L, step R beside L |
56,7&8 | Cross L over R, step back R, ¼ L turn shuffle fwd LRL (6.00) |
Repeat |
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (May 10) |
Music: | Cha Cha Cha (Remix) by Finzy Kontini (CD: Akemi Ishii) |
Descriptions: | PH count - Intermediate level line dance |
Start dance on vocals. | |
Sequence: A, A, Tag, B, B, A, A, Tag, B, B, B, B | |
Section A: 32 counts | |
1&2,34 | Right kick ball cross, rock R, recover L |
5&6,78 | Cross chasse RLR, rock L, recover R |
12,3&4 | Cross L over R, step R, cross chasse LRL |
56,7&8 | ¼ R turn step R, ¼ R turn step L, ½ R turn shuffle fwd RLR (12.00) |
12,3&4 | Rock L, recover R, ½ L turn shuffle fwd LRL |
56,7&8 | Rock R, recover L, ½ R turn shuffle fwd RLR (12.00) |
1-4 | Rock fwd L, ¼ R turn recover R, Rock fwd L, ¼ R turn recover R |
56,7&8 | Rock fwd L, ¼ R turn recover R, ¼ R turn shuffle fwd LRL (12.00) |
Section B: 32 counts | |
1-4 | Step L fwd, lock R behind, Step L fwd, lock R behind, |
5&6&7&8 | Step L fwd, lock R behind, Step L fwd, lock R behind, Step L fwd, lock R behind, Step L fwd |
12,3&4 | Touch R over L, touch R to R, kick ball touch turning ¼ R (3.00) |
&56,7&8 | Jump L to L, jump R together, skip both feet back, shimmy shoulders |
1-4 | Step L fwd, lock R behind, Step L fwd, lock R behind, |
5&6&7&8 | Step L fwd, lock R behind, Step L fwd, lock R behind, Step L fwd, lock R behind, Step L fwd |
12,3&4 | Rock R fwd, recover L, ¼ R turn chasse RLR (6.00) |
&56,7&8 | ½ R turn Jump L back, jump R together, skip both feet back, shimmy shoulders (12.00) |
TAG: | |
1-4 | Step R, step L together, step R, touch L beside R |
5-8 | Step L, touch R beside, step R, touch L beside |
Option: | L body roll, R body roll |
1&2,3&4 | ¼ turn L shuffle LRL, ¼ turn L shuffle RLR, |
5&6,7&8 | ¼ turn L shuffle LRL, ¼ turn L shuffle RLR, |
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (Apr 10) |
Music: | Ra Khoon by FON |
Descriptions: | Phrased wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance |
Start dance on vocals. | |
Dance sequence: A, A, B, A, A, B, A, A, B, A, A, B, A | |
Section A | |
1-4 | Cross L over R, touch R to R, cross R over L, touch L to L |
5-8 | Step L fwd, lock R behind L, step L fwd, touch R to R |
1-2 | ¼ turn R on ball of L touch R beside, touch R to R (3.00) |
3-5 | ¼ turn R on ball of L touch R beside, touch R to R, ¼ turn R on ball of L touch R beside (6.00) |
6-8 | Step R fwd, lock L behind R, step R fwd (9.00) |
1-4 | ¼ turn L step L fwd, touch R to R, ¼ R turn step R beside L, touch L back (9.00) |
5-8 | ¼ turn L step L fwd, touch R to R, ¼ R turn step R beside L, touch L back (9.00) |
1-4 | ¼ L turn Cross L over R, step R to R, cross R over L, scuff R (6.00) |
5-8 | Cross R over L, step L to L, cross R over L, scuff L |
Section B | |
1-4 | Step L to L, hold, step R, step L together |
5-8 | Step R to R, hold, step L, step R together |
1-4 | Step L to L, sweep R behind L, ¼ turn R step R behind, step L beside R |
5-8 | ¼ turn R cross R over L, hitch L, step L fwd, lock R behind (6.00) |
1-4 | Step L fwd, touch R behind L, step R back, touch L beside R |
5-8 | ¼ turn L step L fwd, touch R behind L, step back R, touch L beside R (3.00) |
1-4 | Step L, hold, step R to R, step L beside R |
5-8 | Step R, hold, step L to L, step R beside L |
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (Apr 10) |
Music: | Anamorada Extended Mix by Skank |
Descriptions: | 72 count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance |
Start dance on vocals. | |
3rd Wall: restart dance after 64 counts (Section H) | |
6th Wall: Start the dance at Section F | |
Section A: | |
1-4 | Rock R fwd, Recover L, rock R back, recover L |
5,6+7,8 | Touch R fwd, hold, ¼ L turn step down on R, touch left in front, hitch L across R (9.00) |
Section B: | |
1-4 | Step L fwd, lock R behind L, step L fwd, scuff R |
5-8 | Step R fwd, lock L behind R, step R fwd, scuff L |
Section C: | |
1-4 | Cross L over R, ¼ L turn step R back, step L to L, touch R beside L and clap (6.00) |
5-6,7&8 | Big step R, drag L to R, bump RLR |
Section D: | |
1-4 | Step L, step R behind L, ¼ L turn step L fwd, hitch R back (3.00) |
5-8 | Step R back, hitch L, step L fwd, hitch R back |
Section E: | |
1-4 | ¾ R turn Sailor step, hitch L and clap (12.00) |
5-8 | Big step L, drag R to L, bump hips LRL |
Section F: | |
1-4 | Step R, touch L to L facing L diagonal, step L, touch R to R facing R diagonal |
Optional: | Left Body Roll, Right Body Roll |
5-8 | Walk RLRL, making ¾ R turn (9.00) |
Section G: | |
1-8 | Repeat above 8 counts (6.00) |
Section H: | |
1-4 | Touch R to R, touch R beside L, touch R to R, ¼ R turn step down on R |
5-8 | Touch L to L, ¼ L turn step down on L, touch R to R, touch R beside L (6.00) |
Section I: | |
1+2,3-4 | ¼ R turn shuffle fwd RLR, rock L fwd, pivot ½ R turn step fwd R (3.00) |
5-8 | Step L fwd, ¼ L turn touch R to R, ¼ L turn touch R to R, ¼ L turn touch R to R (6.00) |
Repeat |
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (Mar 10) |
Music: | Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps by Ross Mitchell |
Descriptions: | 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance |
Start dance 16 counts from the beginning at the word “ love ” | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-4 | Step L fwd, ¼ turn L step back R, step back L, step back R [9.00] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5,6&7,8 | Touch L fwd, hold, step L beside R, step R fwd, touch L fwd | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-4 | Step back L, touch R to R, step back on R, touch L to L | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5-8 | Cross L over R, ¼ turn L step back on R, step L to L, touch R beside L [6.00] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-4 | ¼ turn R step R fwd, ¼ turn R step back L, step back R, touch L fwd [12.00] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
&56 | Touch L beside R look R [3.00], touch L fwd look fwd, hold [12.00] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
&78 | Touch L beside R look R [3.00], touch L fwd look fwd, hold [12.00] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
&12 | Touch L beside R look R [3.00], touch L fwd look fwd, hold [12.00] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3-5 | ¼ turn R Rock L fwd, recover R, ½ turn L step L fwd, [9.00] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Sweep R from back to side | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
&78 | Step R beside L, touch L to L, hold [9.00] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh, Malaysia (Jan 10) |
Music: | 春联红 by 彪民, 秋月, 盈盈 |
Descriptions: | 72 count - 1 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance |
Start dance on vocals. | |
Section A | |
1–4 | Step R, step L together, step R, touch L |
5–8 | Step L, step R together, step L, touch R |
Section B | |
1–4 | Step R out, step L out, step R back to centre, step L together |
5&6,7&8 | Bump and Bump R, bump and bump L |
Section C | |
1–4 | Make a full R circle on the spot RLR, touch L to L |
5–8 | Make a full L circle on the spot LRL, touch R to R |
Section D | |
&12 | Step R back, touch L beside R, hold |
&34 | Step L back, touch R beside L, hold |
&5&6 | Step R fwd, touch L beside R, step L fwd, touch R beside L |
&7&8 | Step R fwd, touch L beside R, step L fwd, touch R beside L |
Section E | |
1–4 | Step R back diagonally, step L together, step R back diagonally, touch L |
5–8 | Step L back diagonally, step R together, step L back diagonally, touch R |
Section F | |
1–4 | Make a ¾ R turn on the spot ending with a L kick |
5–8 | Make a ¾ L turn on the spot ending with a R kick |
Section G | |
12,3&4 | Touch R over L, touch R to R, ½ R sailor step |
56,7&8 | Touch L over R, touch L to L, ½ L sailor step |
Section H | |
1&2,3&4 | Bump and Bump R, bump and bump L |
5–8 | Make a full R circle on the spot RLR, touch L to L |
Section I | |
1&2,3&4 | L samba, R samba |
5–8 | Cross L over R, step R back, step L to L, flick R back |
TAG: | |
1&2,3&4 | R fwd shuffle RLR, cross chasse LRL |
5&6,7&8 | Back shuffle RLR, side shuffle LRL |
12,3&4 | Rock R fwd, recover L, ½ turn R shuffle fwd RLR |
5–8 | Rock L, ½ turn R step R fwd, step L fwd, hold |
2nd Wall AFTER 32 counts: Tag and Restart | |
5nd Wall AFTER 32 counts: Tag and Ends |
Choreographed by: | Kenny Teh (Jan 10) |
Music: | Elvis Rumba by Tony Clive |
Descriptions: | 36 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance |
Start dance on the word Sun when he sings “ When the sun…...” | |
Section A | |
1–4 | Step R, step L together, step R, step L together (Option: Sway RLRL) |
5–8 | ¼ turn R step R fwd, step L fwd, ½ turn R step R fwd (pivot), ½ turn R step L back |
Section B | |
1–4 | Step R diagonally back, kick L over R, step L diagonally back, step R beside L |
5–8 | Step L diagonally back, kick R over L, step R diagonally back, step L beside R |
Section C | |
1–4 | Step R diagonally back, touch L beside R, ½ turn L step L fwd, step R beside |
5–8 | ½ turn L step L fwd, flick R back, cross R over L, flick L back |
Section D | |
1–4 | ¼ turn L cross L over R, step R to R, cross L over R, touch R to R |
5–8 | ¾ turn R sailor turn, touch L to L |
Section E | |
1–4 | ¼ turn L step down on L, step R beside L, ¼ turn L cross L over R, hitch R |
RESTART: at 7th Wall facing 6 o’clock, Finish the first two sections as well as count 1, 2 of section C, Then ¼ turn L step L fwd, touch R …… facing 6 o’clock wall, Restart dance from the beginning…… | |
ENDING: You will finish 1–3 of Section D just stretch out your hands and pose |
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